Upload Your Event to Be Featured on the 2022 World Sepsis Day Event Poster Now

As you know, World Sepsis Day took place yesterday, September 13. Countless events all over the world raised awareness for sepsis and continue to do so – thank you so much for participating, for your continued support, and for saving lives worldwide.

Like in the last years, we will summarize all events on the WSD Event Poster – please upload your event now via our new world map, it takes less than a minute. Uploads close in two weeks, on September 28.

Important Instructions – Read Carefully

  1. You can upload up to 20 pictures – we will choose the best/most representative for the Poster.

  2. If you have hosted multiple events, please submit them individually.

  3. Since the poster will eventually be printed, please make sure to submit high-quality images. Try to avoid compressed files. Compressing can happen when sending pictures through messengers, such as WhatsApp. In such a case, please get the original file from the person who took the picture, or ask that person to upload the picture directly. Uploads from mobile are possible.

  4. Please use only the World Map to submit your events - we can’t use pictures that are emailed to us or sent through social media.

We plan to complete the poster by November, and we will make it available for download, as well as mail out printed copies, which you will be able to order free of charge via our online shop.

Please point your colleagues and friends to our website to submit their events, especially if you know that they did an event for World Sepsis Day – thanks so much.

If you adhered to the instructions above and have problems, or for any other questions, please contact us.

Marvin Zick
Switzerland Announces Swiss National Action Plan (SSNAP)

A coordinated national action plan to stop sepsis-related preventable deaths and to improve the support of people affected by sepsis in Switzerland

Sepsis is when our body’s response to infection causes a shutdown of vital organs. It is a devastating disease responsible for over 10 million deaths worldwide every year. In Switzerland, studies have estimated that sepsis affects about 20,000 people and causes almost 3,500 deaths every year. Up to half of those who survive will suffer long-term, sometimes life-long, adverse consequences of sepsis. Sepsis can affect people of any age and health condition. The most vulnerable groups are newborns and young infants, the elderly, and people with chronic health conditions or reduced immune defenses.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared sepsis a global health priority. The 2021 European Sepsis Report revealed that – contrary to other European countries – Switzerland had not yet actioned the sepsis resolution. In response, a group of over 50 sepsis experts (including clinical, academic, and policy professionals, and sepsis survivors) reviewed the needs, gaps, and strategies to address sepsis in Switzerland.

The expert panel identified sepsis as a key priority that requires a coordinated national approach and formulated a Swiss Sepsis National Action Plan (SSNAP). The four key recommendations include:

  1. Raising awareness of sepsis in the public as well as improving sepsis-specific education in the healthcare workforce, and improving prevention of sepsis.

  2. Establishing and implementing standards for rapid detection, treatment, and follow-up in sepsis patients.

  3. Creating support systems for sepsis survivors.

  4. Promoting research on sepsis.

The panel encouraged realistic strategies, fitting to the Swiss context, which is guided by evidence. Specifically, Switzerland should learn from successful sepsis programs in other countries, while using the local expertise, networks, and culture to meet the needs of the Swiss population. The Swiss Sepsis National Action Plan lists specific recommendations which should result in improved patient-centered care in Switzerland. The implementation of these recommendations is expected to save lives, reduce the long-term burden of sepsis on families, and reduce costs for the Swiss health care system.

The SSNAP has been endorsed by the following Swiss professional societies:

  • Interest Group Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (IGPNI) Switzerland

  • Pediatric Infectious Disease Group of Switzerland (PIGS)

  • Public Health Swiss

  • Swiss Institute for Medical Education and Training (SIWF)

  • Swiss Patient Safety Foundation

  • Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SGINF)

  • Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine (SGNOR)

  • Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine (SSGIM)

  • Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SSICM)

  • Swiss Society of Microbiology (SGM-SSM)

  • Swiss Society of Neonatology

  • Swiss Society of Pediatrics (SGP)

Marvin Zick
WSD 2022 Press Release: Taking Stock of a Decade of World Sepsis Day and Advances in Sepsis Advocacy

This year’s World Sepsis Day marks its tenth anniversary. Five years after the World Health Assembly resolution on sepsis management and the recent uptake of its implementation by the G7 leaders, the Global Sepsis Alliance rejoices in the results of global advocacy, but the road ahead is still steep, and the number of unnecessary deaths caused by sepsis still too high.

At the event “Making Sepsis a National and Global Health Priority” in Berlin on September 16, the Global Sepsis Alliance will celebrate the progress achieved in ten years of advocacy and quality improvements in the fight against sepsis. The event will be the opportunity to take stock of the successes and learnings of the past ten years and identify the challenges that stakeholders around the globe must address to minimize the burden of sepsis.

Sepsis still kills 11 million people every year and more than 80% of the burden lies in low- and middle-income countries. “The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this burden through viral sepsis and underscored the vital importance of infection prevention and control, vaccination, and clean care to prevent the spread of disease and counter the threat of antimicrobial resistance“, reads the welcome message of WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, patron of the event.

“G7 governments have understood the importance of improving sepsis management and integrating it into antimicrobial resistance and pandemic preparedness strategies. We are satisfied with the inclusion of sepsis in the recent leaders’ conclusions under the German presidency”, confirms GSA President, Prof. Niranjan ‘Tex’ Kissoon. “We are working with our members and partners to ensure that the G20 countries also embrace the recommendations and contribute to reducing the number of still too high preventable deaths and disabilities caused by sepsis.”

Sepsis, the dysregulated immune system response to infections from bacteria, fungi, or viruses such as COVID-19, affects around 50 million people annually, often leaving survivors with long-term physical consequences, including amputations. Post-sepsis syndrome symptoms are very similar to the ones of the well-known long Covid.

The September 16 event will be attended in person or remotely by high-level officials including German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, alongside renowned figures in the field of sepsis. This will be only one of the numerous events that are organized every year in September to raise awareness of sepsis around the globe. An interactive map of all activities is available on the World Sepsis Day website.

For media inquires, please contact Simone Mancini.


+49 30 450 55 14 17

Simone Mancini
Show Your Support for World Sepsis Day on Social Media – Ideas for Posts, WSD World Map, WSD Photo Booth, and WSD Photo Boards

World Sepsis Day on September 13 is just around the corner - with this post, we want to give you some ideas to show your support on social media, be it Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, or something else entirely. Supporting #WorldSepsisDay on social media helps save lives!

Posts for Social Media

For social media, you can use the following posts, either with or without a WSD Infographic or a Sepsis Awareness Clip (most work better with). All posts are 280 characters or less, meaning they effortlessly work on Twitter (but also everywhere else, of course):

  • 1 in 5 deaths globally is associated with #sepsis. Do you know the symptoms, sources, and risk groups of sepsis? This #WorldSepsisDay, share this video with a loved one - it could save their lives! https://youtu.be/NsPDjOX8QHA

  • September 13 is #WorldSepsisDay! Sepsis is the final common pathway to death from most infectious diseases worldwide, including #COVID19. These are the most common #sources of #sepsis.

  • Sepsis is not only a medical #emergency but also a global health crisis, affecting between 47 and 50 million people a year - September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay. Join us in raising awareness for #sepsis - awareness saves lives! #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13 is #WorldSepsisDay - I am/We are participating to raise #awareness for #sepsis and #WorldSepsisDay - what are you doing? Start at worldsepsisday.org and help #stopsepsis and #savelives

  • September 13 is #WorldSepsisDay! While everybody can get sepsis, certain people are at an even higher risk. Join us in raising #awareness for #sepsis - awareness saves lives! #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! #Sepsis is a medical emergency and must be treated immediately - if you see 2 or more #symptoms act immediately. #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! #Sepsis is the most preventable cause of death worldwide. It can be prevented by #vaccination, #sanitation, and #awareness. Everything depends on #you! Join us and #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! #Sepsis does not end at hospital discharge - many #sepsissurvivors face lifelong consequences. Join us to raise awareness! #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! Join our global movement now - it is as easy as downloading our free #infographics or #sepsis #awareness clips from worldsepsisday.org/toolkits and posting them from your account. Raising awareness starts with #you. #stopsepsis #savelives

  • I am participating in the #WorldSepsisDay #Photochallenge to raise awareness for #sepsis, a disease affecting 47 to 50 million people annually, but often neglected by #policymakers, the general public, and even #healthcare #professionals - join the global movement now!

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay - I am participating in the #photochallenge to raise #awareness for #sepsis and #WorldSepsisDay - what are you doing? Start at worldsepsisday.org and help #stopsepsis #savelives

Official hashtags

The official hashtags for World Sepsis Day are:

  • #WorldSepsisDay

  • #10YearsWSD

  • #Sepsis

  • #StopSepsis

  • #SaveLives

We discourage using #WorldSepsisDay2022 or #WSD22 – if we want to “trend”, it is important we all use the same hashtags.

Sepsis Awareness Clips / WSD Infographics

Our Sepsis Awareness Clips and our WSD Infographics are a great and easy way to spice up your posts - both are of course free downloads in our WSD Toolkit Section. Our infographics are available in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Italian, Arabic, Turkish, Finnish, German, and Croatian.

WSD World Map

Let us (and everybody else) know what you are planning for WSD – upload your event on our new World Map now!

WSD Photo Booth

The new WSD Photo Booth is a ton of fun and a very quick and easy way to show your support for World Sepsis Day – just click here, snap a selfie, and customize it to your liking by adding a frame, background, logo, or whatever you enjoy.

WSD Photo Boards

Our WSD Photo Boards are a simple and straightforward way to show your support on social media and beyond – just download the photo boards from our toolkit section, print the one you like the best (there are 7 options to choose from), write your name on it, take a picture, and upload it to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, using the hashtag #WorldSepsisDay or tag us in the post (@WorldSepsisDay).

Our Social Media Channels

We are ‘World Sepsis Day’ on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook - make sure to follow us if you aren’t yet.

Thanks for supporting World Sepsis Day - we couldn’t do it without you!

Marvin Zick
Free Online Webinar: Guiding Clinical Care Using Pancreatic Stone Protein, September 22

Don’t miss the upcoming Abionic Webinar “Guiding Clinical Care Using Pancreatic Stone Protein: The Role of Point-of-Care Testing in the Early Identification and Management of Sepsis” on September 22 at 5:00 PM CET.

The webinar will be chaired by the internationally renowned key opinion leader in critical care medicine, Prof. Jean-Louis Vincent from the Erasme University Hospital, in Brussels, Belgium.

For the third year in a row, Abionic will be hosting 3 expert physicians during this 1-hour free online event where they will share their experiences in guiding sepsis diagnosis and management with the aid of the rapid PSP test on the abioSCOPE.

The speakers who are honoring us with their presence are:

  • Dr. Holger Klein, Chief Physician Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Switzerland

  • Dr. Gabriele Melegari, PhD, Medical Doctor in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Ospedale di Baggiovara, Modena, Italy

  • Dr. Maria Lagadinou, Ast. Prof. of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine-Infectious Diseases, Nurse & Internal Medicine Department, University Hospital of Patras, Greece

The session will end with a Q&A where participants can interact live with the speakers.

Marvin Zick
New GSA Board and New GSA Executive Committee

At the end of June, the more than 110 members of the Global Sepsis Alliance came together in a Member General Meeting (MGM). In addition to reporting on achievements, and current projects, and discussing the future strategy of the GSA, it was again time to elect a new GSA Board and GSA Executive Committee.

The GSA Board is the highest ranking decision-making body of the Global Sepsis Alliance. It is elected democratically by the member organizations of the GSA every three years and consists of up to 23 members from all parts of the world.

The GSA Executive Committee, which is more involved in day-to-day operations, is comprised of between 10 and 13 people, all of them members of the GSA Board.

In addition to voting for the new GSA Board, the GSA Members also confirmed Niranjan ‘Tex’ Kissoon as President for another term.

Congratulations to everyone elected, we look forward to continuing to change how sepsis is prioritized, diagnosed, and treated all around the world with you.

Marvin Zick
Virtual Photo Booth and Interactive World Map for World Sepsis Day Now Live

We are thrilled to announce that the virtual photo booth and interactive world map for #WorldSepsisDay are now ready for your submissions.

The world map allows you to upload what you are planning for #WorldSepsisDay, be it a symposium, sports event, sepsis quiz, online campaign, sepsis awareness stall, illuminate a building, or something entirely else. If you haven’t made plans for this year’s World Sepsis Day yet, it’s not too late to get involved. Ideas, inspiration, and free materials in multiple languages are available here.

The virtual photo booth is a ton of fun and a very easy way to show your support for World Sepsis Day – just click here, snap a selfie, and customize it to your liking by adding a frame, background, logo, or whatever you enjoy.

Have fun, and thanks for helping us raise awareness for sepsis worldwide!

Marvin Zick