New GSA Board and New GSA Executive Committee

At the end of June, the more than 110 members of the Global Sepsis Alliance came together in a Member General Meeting (MGM). In addition to reporting on achievements, and current projects, and discussing the future strategy of the GSA, it was again time to elect a new GSA Board and GSA Executive Committee.

The GSA Board is the highest ranking decision-making body of the Global Sepsis Alliance. It is elected democratically by the member organizations of the GSA every three years and consists of up to 23 members from all parts of the world.

The GSA Executive Committee, which is more involved in day-to-day operations, is comprised of between 10 and 13 people, all of them members of the GSA Board.

In addition to voting for the new GSA Board, the GSA Members also confirmed Niranjan ‘Tex’ Kissoon as President for another term.

Congratulations to everyone elected, we look forward to continuing to change how sepsis is prioritized, diagnosed, and treated all around the world with you.

Marvin Zick