Today is World Sepsis Day: Social Media, Photo Challenge, Resources, Poster, Updated Videos, More

WSD_Berlin_Wide Kopie.jpg

Today is World Sepsis Day - countless events in all parts of the world are raising awareness for sepsis over the next hours and days.

In addition to joining local WSD Events (with a mask and keeping the distance of course), here are some last minute tips to get involved online or in your institution:

Sign the World Sepsis Declaration

The new 2030 World Sepsis Declaration sets our goals and key targets for the next decade and serves as the north star of our global efforts, jointly with the WHO Resolution on Sepsis. You can virtually sign it to show your support - think of it as a petition against sepsis.

Follow Us on Social Media

We are ‘World Sepsis Day’ on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook - make sure to follow us if you aren’t yet.

Post to Your Social Media

Posting to your personal or company social media account raises awareness and helps to save lives. Templates for posts are below - it’s as simple as copying and pasting. All posts are 280 characters or less, meaning they work on Twitter effortlessly. Most work best with a WSD Infographic or one of our Sepsis Awareness Clips…

  • Sepsis is not only a medical #emergency, but also a global health crisis, affecting between 47 and 50 million people a year - September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay. Join us in raising awareness for #sepsis - awareness saves lives! #stopsepsis #savelives

  • 1 in 5 deaths globally is associated with #sepsis. Do you know the symptoms, sources, and risk groups of sepsis? This #WorldSepsisDay, share this video with a loved one - it could save their lives!

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay - I am/We are participating to raise #awareness for #sepsis and #WorldSepsisDay - what are you doing? Start at and help #stopsepsis and #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! Sepsis is the final common pathway to death from most infectious diseases worldwide, including #COVID19. These are the most common #sources of #sepsis.

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! While everybody can get sepsis, certain people are at an even higher risk. Join us in raising #awareness for #sepsis - awareness saves lives! #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! #Sepsis is a medical emergency and must be treated immediately - if you see 2 or more #symptoms, act immediately. #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! #Sepsis is the most preventable cause of death worldwide. It can be prevented by #vaccination, #sanitation, and #awareness. Everything depends on #you! Join us and #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! #Sepsis does not end at hospital discharge - many #sepsissurvivors face lifelong consequences. Join us to raise awareness! #stopsepsis #savelives

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay! Join our global movement now - it is as easy as downloading our free #infographics or #sepsis #awareness clips from and posting them from your account. Raising awareness starts with #you. #stopsepsis #savelives

  • I am participating in the #WorldSepsisDay #Photochallenge to raise awareness for #sepsis, a disease affecting 47 to 50 million people annually, but often neglected by #policymakers, the general public, and even #healthcare #professionals - join the global movement now!

  • September 13th is #WorldSepsisDay - I am participating in the #photochallenge to raise #awareness for #sepsis and #WorldSepsisDay - what are you doing? Start at and help #stopsepsis #savelives


The official hashtags for World Sepsis Day are:

  • #WorldSepsisDay

  • #Sepsis

  • #StopSepsis

  • #SaveLives

We explicitly discourage using #WorldSepsisDay2020, #WSD20, or #WSD - if we want to ‘trend’, it is imperative we all use the same hashtags.

Infographics, Sepsis Awareness Clips, Posters, Fact Sheet, and More Free Resources

Our WSD Toolkit Section has tons of new material in many languages - including fact sheets, Sepsis Awareness Clips (covering symptoms, sources, risk groups, and more in about 30 seconds), posters, wallpapers, and of course our WSD Infographics in eight languages, among many other things - all for free and just two clicks away. You can use the material on social media or anywhere else on the internet, or even print it.

WSD Photo Challenge

The WSD Photo Challenge is a quick and easy way to raise awareness for sepsis and show your support for World Sepsis Day - simply print the photo board you like best, write your name on it, take a picture, and upload to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, or wherever you like.

Sepsis in 3 Minutes - Updated Video

For this year’s WSD, we have updated our video ‘What Is Sepsis? - Sepsis Explained in 3 Minutes’ - and it’s now available in 8 languages. The video explains many facets of the complex topic that is sepsis in just 3 minutes.

Please send the video to your loved ones - it could save their life:

Press Release

A press release as well as a press release template is available for you to customize and disseminate in multiple languages.

2020 WSD Event Poster

After World Sepsis Day, the 2020 WSD Event Poster will summarize all events that took place around WSD this year - make sure to take some pictures.

On September 14th, we will have a form available here (URL to bookmark: allowing you to upload a short description of your event and the best picture, to be featured on the poster. The poster will be made available for download later this year, and be printed and shipped to you later this year or early next year.

Donate to World Sepsis Day

We are a small non-profit charity trying to make the world a better place - every cent helps and will be put to good use.

Thank you

Thank you so much for supporting World Sepsis Day - it really means the world to us.

For any questions, please contact us. Due to sheer volume, please allow us a couple of days to respond.

Marvin Zick