Press Release: Preparedness to Prevent and Treat Sepsis Is Essential to Save Lives, COVID-19 Pandemic Shows

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Ahead of World Sepsis Day on September 13th, the Global Sepsis Alliance and its members highlight that COVID-19 can lead to sepsis and therefore actions to improve the clinical management and raising awareness about sepsis are critical and save lives.

“The 2020 World Sepsis Day occurs at a time when mankind faces one of the greatest pandemics of recent times. Severe infections with COVID-19 are in fact viral sepsis – which is often not recognized”,  says GSA President, Prof. Konrad Reinhart, “Severely ill COVID-19 patients and those affected by sepsis from other pathogens — such as bacteria, other viruses, fungi, or parasites — are indistinguishable on clinical grounds.”

The GSA calls on government, regional, and global institutions such as the World Health Organization to increase their focus and allocate more resources to the fight against sepsis. These efforts will strengthen the response against COVID-19 and are key to achieve improved survival rates for COVID-19 patients. We also call all stakeholders to support the World Sepsis Day Movement and the GSA to raise awareness about sepsis worldwide throughout the month of September and beyond.

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For media inquires, please contact Simone Mancini.


+49 176 459 50 966

Simone Mancini