2024 WSC Spotlight Report: Statistics and Numbers from the 2024 World Sepsis Congress Spotlight

Thank you so much for participating in the 2024 WSC Spotlight in April – it was our pleasure having all of you.

12,230 people from 185 countries registered to participate, which is astonishing. 65% of our audience joined from low- and middle-income countries – indicating that sepsis is a true global health threat, not recognizing borders or the perceived quality of a healthcare system. This truly highlights our mission with World Sepsis Congress – to bring knowledge about sepsis to all parts of the world.

We were particularly excited with your feedback – it is inspirational to hear how much you enjoyed the congress. Please click through the full report above or download it as a PDF below. Feel free to share it with colleagues, friends, family members, and beyond.

8 of the 9 sessions are already available on YouTube, as a Podcast on Apple Podcasts, and on the congress website, with session 9 being released tomorrow, July 2. CME Credits are available via the PPAHS, our partner organization.

Thanks for your interest over the last weeks – we can’t wait to return with the 5th World Sepsis Congress in April 2025.

To support or to contribute to World Sepsis Congress in the future, please contact us.

Marvin Zick