GSA Vice President on Updated NICE Guidelines for Sepsis
On January 31, the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) released updates to the Sepsis Guidelines (NG51).
The guidance is attended for people with suspected sepsis, their families and carers, as well as healthcare professionals working in primary, secondary, and tertiary care. The latest edition of the document includes updates to the risk stratification of adults, appropriate timing for antibiotic administration for different risk categories, and the reassertion of the importance of clinical judgment.
Ron Daniels, the Vice President of the Global Sepsis Alliance and the Founder and CEO of the UK Sepsis Trust (UKST):
“We particularly support that the update continues to recommend the identification of high-risk factors, whilst reinforcing the importance of clinical judgment to prevent the injudicious use of antibiotics. The recommendation for GPs and ambulance services to consider how they give antibiotics to people who are at high risk of sepsis is increasingly relevant as transit times increase and could be potentially transformational in terms of patient outcomes.”
Based on the new NG51 Sepsis Guidelines, the UK Sepsis Trust has ensured relevant updates to its clinical tools for healthcare practitioners.
Ron Daniels further notes that the revised guidelines present an opportunity to deliver a coordinated and cohesive approach to the recognition and management of sepsis across the National Health Service (NHS).