Join Us for the World Sepsis Day Event 2023: 'The Enactment of the WHO Sepsis on the National and International Level'

After a successful celebrative event last year in Berlin under the patronage of WHO DG Tedros and the German Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, the German Sepsis Foundation is hosting another all-day conference on September 12, 2023, together with the "Germany recognizes Sepsis" coalition, the Global Sepsis Alliance, and the European Sepsis Alliance. With both a national and an international focus, the event has two tracks in German and English, respectively. Attendance is free and virtual participation is also possible.

The World Health Assembly (2017) and the G7 (2022) have highlighted the need to integrate sepsis into national health systems. Through sharing best practices, discussing innovation in sepsis treatment, and presenting existing efforts to improve prevention, early recognition, diagnosis, and the management of sepsis, we aim to raise awareness among policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public to the goal of zero preventable deaths from sepsis.

The event will be held at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung, Robert-Koch-Platz 7, 10117 Berlin-Mitte, Germany. As the venue has limited availability, we kindly ask you to register on our website.

Katja Couball