Register for the Sepsis Alliance AMR Conference, 26-27 April

Sepsis and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are closely linked: broad-spectrum antimicrobials are often the first line of defense in treating patients with sepsis, but limiting unnecessary antimicrobial usage is crucial for combatting the growing threat of AMR. As antimicrobial resistance worsens, more infections will develop into sepsis, sepsis cases will become increasingly difficult to treat, and more sepsis patients will suffer harmful consequences, including amputations and death. To manage this complex clinical relationship, address the global threat of AMR, and improve future outcomes, cross-sector collaborations and ongoing innovation and education will be essential.

The Sepsis Alliance AMR Conference, starting on April 26 at 10:30 EST, 16:30 CET, offers to discover inspiration, ideas, and applicable technologies for both managing sepsis and mitigating the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

Speakers and program will be available soon.

Simone Mancini