Updated Toolkits for 2022 – Happy New Year from the Team at the Global Sepsis Alliance

From the whole Team here at the Global Sepsis Alliance, we’d like to wish you a great start into 2022 – much success, happiness, and health to you and your loved ones in the new year.

To hit the ground running, we have already updated all our toolkits for 2022, from the fact sheet to posters, event material, infographics, and everything in between. If you are unfamiliar with them, take a look here – most are available in multiple languages, and everything is free to download and use.

Additionally, some of our material, like our Pocket Cards or the Life After Sepsis Brochure, are available to order as professionally printed versions via our WSD Online Shop, with international shipping available.

2022 will be another landmark year for sepsis awareness worldwide, and we are working on a number of exciting new projects and initiatives – we’d recommend saving April 27 in your calendar, for example. Last but in no way least, we are incredibly thankful for your continued support, we really couldn’t do it without you.

Marvin Zick