World Sepsis Day Online Shop Now Accepts Your Orders + Launch Discount
Today, we are thrilled to launch our brand-new online shop, a day earlier than anticipated. Starting immediately, you can order t-shirts, hoodies, sport jerseys, balloons, pocket cards, thumb drives, and much more. A total of 14 items are available, most in our signature pink and black.
We will be introducing more items over time - please let us know what articles you’d like us to add. Likewise, please give us feedback on the overall experience and suggestions for improvements.
In celebration of the launch of the shop, we are running two promotions:
Save 13% on your whole cart with code ‘September13’. Simply enter the code at checkout to claim your special introductory launch discount. This offer is limited to the first 50 orders, so better be quick. Update September 4th, 2020: The code has expired.
Until supplies last, every order above 35€ will receive a free WSD Drinking Bottle.
Update August 20th, 2020: Dark Mode is now fully supported, thanks for your patience.
Original text: Please note that our new WSD Online Shop does not yet fully support dark mode - if you are having trouble viewing certain elements on a page, please switch your device back to light mode. We are working on it.