Infographics Now Available in Arabic + Sepsis Fact Sheet in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and German

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Often requested, and finally here – our World Sepsis Day Infographics are now available in Arabic, bringing the total number of languages available up to 9. A huge thanks goes to the Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Speciality Network at Saudi Society of Clinical Pharmacy for their help!

As always, the new infographics are free and quick to download in our World Sepsis Day Toolkit Section – please download them and use them wherever you feel like it, on your social media channels, printed at (socially-distanced) events, and everywhere in between.

There is a total of 21 infographics, nine on sepsis itself; ranging from symptoms, sources, prevention, risk groups, to physiology, post-sepsis symptoms, and more. Additionally, there are two on hand-washing (very important nowadays), and ten more highlighting the relationship to other World Health Days, such as; World AIDS Day, World Immunization Week, and more. The infographics are available as images (.jpg), as well as optimized for print (.pdf).

Additionally, our Sepsis Fact Sheet, newly updated in May, is now available in even more languages - we have added Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and German over the last few months. The fact sheet remains the best and simplest way to quickly give someone an overview of the global burden of sepsis and its implications.

We put a lot of thought and time into these new materials – please contact us to give feedback so we can continue to improve them. Lastly, please consider donating to support the ongoing development of our free sepsis awareness resources – thank you so much!

Marvin Zick