Project Presentation – How the Project "Stop Sepsis in Croatia" from CNSARICT Is Saving Lives in Croatia

In June, we announced the winners of the 2019 Global Sepsis Awards. In addition to the five winners, nine other entities were commended for their valuable contribution in the global fight against sepsis.

Over the coming months, we will give both the 2019 GSA Award Winners as well as the activities and initiatives by the entities that were commended the possibility to share their projects and initiatives in more detail on our websites, and after our colleagues from Italy in June, we would like to introduce you to the project “Stop Sepsis in Croatia” today.


“Stop Sepsis in Croatia” – Croatian Nurses Society of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology, Intensive Care and Transfusion (CNSARICT)


CNSARICT is a non-profit organization established in 2005 in order to organize continuous education for nurses all around the country, and to spread information, recommendations and knowledge with patients and the rest of community. CNSARICT has recognized the burden of sepsis in hospitals and outside hospitals, therefore we signed the World Sepsis Declaration and joined the Global Sepsis Alliance in March 2014. Since then, the project „Stop Sepsis in Croatia“ has achieved significant successes in hospitals and also among the public and Ministry of Health.

We are the only society in Croatia that has managed to initiate many activities in order to strengthen awareness of sepsis and do some changes regarding early recognition of sepsis symptoms. We have managed to reach the public and health professionals across the country trough online sites and magazines, symposiums and congresses, public appearances, media, radio, and television appearances, activities within the hospitals in Croatia, collaborating with relevant ministries in Croatia, promoting the campaign „Stop Sepsis in Croatia“ and World Sepsis Day beyond the borders of Croatia.

CNSARICT has achieved significant contribution for the improvement of sepsis awareness and sepsis prevention on the national and international level through the campaign „Stop Sepsis in Croatia“. Within the campaign, nurses from all parts of Croatia have volunteered and enthusiastically carried out every action planned. Special thanks to Adriano, Martina, Željka, Ankica, Mateja, Štefanija, Josip, Zvjezdana, Gloria, Cecilija, Sandro and a big thank you to their teams! Coordinator of the campaign is Jelena Slijepčević, RN, BsN, MsN.

For more information about our campaign, please visit our Facebook page.

The Global Sepsis Awards, which are sponsored by the Erin Kay Flatley Memorial Foundation, honor outstanding efforts to increase sepsis awareness and raise the quality of sepsis prevention and management.

The awards are granted in three categories, namely governments and healthcare authorities, non-governmental organizations, patient advocate or healthcare provider groups, and individuals, consistent with the aims of the World Sepsis Declaration and the World Sepsis Day Movement.

Winners in category II and III will receive $2,500 prize money each. Applications and nominations for the 2020 GSA Awards open in January 2020 and close on March 31st, 2020.

Marvin Zick