Applications and Nominations for the 2019 GSA Awards Now Open

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Applications and nominations for the 2019 GSA Awards are now open.

The GSA Awards honor major contributions in the fight against sepsis every year and are exclusively sponsored by the Erin Kay Flatley Memorial Foundation.
They are granted in three categories:

  1. Governments and Healthcare Authorities

  2. Non-Governmental Organizations, Patient Advocate Groups, or Healthcare Provider Groups

  3. Individual Nominees

In addition to glory, prestige, and a beautiful trophy, winners of category 2 and 3 are awarded with $ 2,500 each.

To make applying or nominating for the 2019 GSA Awards even easier, we redesigned the application process - it is now completely online, faster, clearer on what documents are needed, and even prettier than before. Your thoughts and feedback on the new application process are much appreciated.

The deadline to apply is March 31st, 2019. Please share this opportunity with your colleagues, friends, and other interested parties.

Marvin Zick