2nd WSC – Panel Discussion – Sepsis Is a Devastating Disease: Listen to the Survivors and Those Bereaved
‘Sepsis Is a Devastating Disease: Listen to the Survivors and Those Bereaved’ - Session 14 from the 2nd World Sepsis Congress - is now available to recap on YouTube (embedded above) and as a Podcast on Apple Podcasts (iTunes link).
This session is very special, instead of presentations by doctors, researchers, patient advocates, policy makers, and international stakeholders, it features a roundtable discussion by people affected by sepsis and family members. It is chaired by Ray Schachter, member of the board of the GSA and sepsis survivors himself, and the following people share their very personal stories:
Carl Flatley, US
Elkhatim Elyas Mohamed, Sudan
Fiona Gray, Australia
Idelette Nutma-Bade, The Netherlands
Peter Wilkinson, Australia
We will be on a short break over the holidays, returning on Thursday, January 3rd, 2019, with session 15, ‘Improving Awareness: National and Global Strategies’. Please head over to the 2nd WSC website for the full release schedule.
The 2nd WSC is brought to you free of charge by the Global Sepsis Alliance, fostering our aspiration to bring knowledge about sepsis to all parts of the world. If you enjoyed it or learned something, please consider donating to our cause.