Release Schedule WSC Spotlight: Maternal and Neonatal Sepsis


The WSC Spotlight: Maternal and Neonatal Sepsis was a huge success. Over 8,000 people from 156 countries joined us live on September 12th, the day before the sixth World Sepsis Day on September 13th, to learn from 25 renowned experts, who gave 12-min presentations on maternal and neonatal sepsis, a often neglected facet of sepsis, which by itself is already a neglected disease as well. We would like to thank all participants, all speakers, chairs, and everyone involved in making this congress possible.

All talks will be available to rewatch on our YouTube Channel, and as a podcast on Apple Podcasts, freely accessible and free of charge. The opening session 'Sepsis - The Challenges of Medicine, Politics, and Society' will be available on Thursday, September 21st, with sessions 2, 3, and 4 following every two weeks. The full release schedule is available here (PDF). You can already subscribe to the YouTube Channel or the podcast, to be automatically notified once new episodes are available.

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Marvin Zick