Rory's Regulations Have Saved Nearly 5,000 New Yorkers, says the New York Times


On April 14th, the New York Times featured an article by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Jim Dwyer, confirming that Rory’s Regulations have saved 4,727 lives in New York State to date.

The article, A Boy’s Life Is Lost to Sepsis. Thousands Are Saved in His Wake, includes newly released figures from the New York State Department of Health which show that the odds of dying from sepsis in New York State have dropped by 21% for those adults who received faster treatment for sepsis, thanks to Rory’s Regulations.

This is a great example how quality improvement measures for early sepsis diagnostics and treatment can save lives and we want to congralute the Rory Staunton Foundation for this great achievement.

Marvin Zick