Sepsis Unplugged 2018: A Conference Done Differently
The UK Sepsis Trust is pleased to announce that Sepsis Unplugged 2018 will take place from February 5th to 6th, 2018, at Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham. Sepsis Unplugged is a conference done a little differently. It leaves attitudes and egos at the door, brings together all healthcare professionals and patient groups as equals, and asks the questions that will shape better sepsis care.
Conferences like this are crucial: we must act decisively to save the thousands of lives sepsis claims every year – more than breast cancer, bowel cancer, prostate cancer and HIV/AIDS combined.
Registration is open so please book your place now and enjoy the early bird discount. Please note this discount will end after 24th November 2017.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 24th November 2017
Early Bird Price will end after 24th November 2017
This unique conference will be of interest to the following healthcare professionals and those working within:
- Acute Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
- Critical Care
- General Medicine
- Obstetrics
- ACCS Trainees
- GPs
- Paramedics
- Urgent Care Specialists
- Infection Prevention
We want to reach out and encourage all medical, nursing and allied healthcare professionals to attend. This conference will also be of particular interest to chief executives, managers, patient bodies, and charities.
Traditional academic meetings have failed to reliably improve outcomes or engage the wider healthcare system. At Sepsis Unplugged 2018, a range of practical workshops, discussion panels and interactive sessions lead the way for a truly novel, inspiring experience.
High profile speakers will provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of Sepsis to include; the patient perspective, examining patient information, management of paediatric sepsis, maternal sepsis, and lots more.
The programme has been designed to appeal to a multidisciplinary audience, there really will be something for everyone. This is the forum for healthcare professionals to come together and improve sepsis outcomes.
Abstract submissions are invited on ideas to help prevent sepsis which can be used in the future as case studies and leading light projects to inspire other healthcare professionals around the UK and beyond. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 24th November 2017.
Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
- Education & Training
- Human Factors
- Looking to the Future
- Patient Safety
- Quality Improvement
- Other Sepsis Related Work
Sepsis Unplugged 2018 Event Team
Telephone: +44 1506 292 042